This baby balance bike is built with 4 wheels and sturdy steel frame, which is stable and also lightweight to carry.
And the wheels are made of PP and EVA materials, which makes the wheels wear resistant and noiseless for indoor and outdoor use. Considering safety, the bike is designed with 135° limited steering to protect the bike from rolling over, particularly in turning. Also, the handle is equipped with non-slip textures and the soft seat is comfortable for long time sitting. With instructions and accessories, the assembly is easy and quick.
- Perfect Gift for Your Little One: This baby balance bike will be a great accompany to your baby’s growth, suitable for babies aged 1-2 years old. By happy riding, this balance bike can help kids to exercise balance ability, improve self confidence, strengthen physical fitness and enhance coordination.
- Sable Structure with Limited Steering: Constructed with 4 wheels and steel frame, this infant bike ensures smooth and steady ride and enjoys better stability than those bikes with 3 wheels. Besides, this infant bike is built with 135° limited steering
- High Quality and Durable Wheels: The wheels are made of premium PP and EVA materials, featuring high wear resistance, skid resistance, shock absorption and low noise level. This toddler bike is applicable to most surface from indoor to outdoor, such as lawn, carpet, asphalt road, floor and more.
- Comfortable Riding Experience: The rounded and non-slip handle is covered with TPR, which prevents slipping during riding and is easy for kids to control. The seat is not only soft to provide comfortable sitting, but also equipped with heightened tail to protect kids from backward fall during fast riding.
- Easy Assembly and Transport:The assembly is easy and quick with included instructions and accessories. The net weight of this baby balance bike is only 3.3 lbs, which enables effortless carrying to the park or other outdoor places. Product dimension: 18.5″ x 7.5″ x 14.5″ (L x W x H).
- Material: Steel, PP, EVA
- Overall dimension: 18.5″ x 7.5″x 14.5″ (L x W x H)
- Suitable age: 1-2 Years old
- Weight capacity: 44 lbs
- Net weight: 3.3 lbs
Package Includes
- 1 x Baby Balance bike